Fatherhood Initiative
According to the US Census Bureau, 1 in 4 children live without a father. Children growing up without a biological, step,...
According to the US Census Bureau, 1 in 4 children live without a father. Children growing up without a biological, step,...
Continuous Quality Improvement, or CQI, is a collaborative effort to administer a high-quality home-visiting and center-based program. The Early Head Start...
Home Visiting Services (HVS) continues to provide parenting support for families working with Child Welfare Services, Voluntary Case Management, and Family...
Early Intervention Services program has had the pleasure of working with Kalani’s adoptive family from his early infancy all the way...
Fatherhood Program has been working to increase ‘Father Engagement‘ in our community for nearly 15 years. While most will agree about...
Home Visiting Services provides support to parents and foster parents caring for children who too often have been traumatized in their...
Early Head Start provides home-visiting and center-based services to pregnant women and children from birth to three who live in Kona,...
Family Support Hawaii’s Early Head Start Program held their socialization last Friday where families created fresh flower arrangements and personalized art...
Are you currently pregnant or a parent/caregiver of a child under age 3? If so, we invite you to apply for...
The West Hawaii Fatherhood Initiative has rolled out its Father Engagement training to support our West Hawaii community to better engage...