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Home Visiting Services provides support to parents and foster parents caring for children who too often have been traumatized in their young lives. Children who have been traumatized in their homes due to violence or neglect, may be further challenged when prenatal exposure to various toxins has caused structural changes in their brain. Babies thus affected sometimes show a high level of arousal, activity, and irritability; muscle tone fluctuations (from rigidity to flaccidity), near-constant crying, and/or disturbed sleep and eating patterns. when a family is receiving Early Intervention Services, the caregiver may be left with urgent concerns. The HVS team recently met with one such foster mom and realized we lacked the expertise needed to fully support her. We turned to our own Family Support Hawaii NEST program for assistance, and arranged for their specialist to visit the family. Both the foster mom and the HVS staff learned a lot from the specialist’s visit. The specialist provided recommendations regarding foods to provide the baby, positions to hold and rock the baby, and the best ways to promote good sleep. The foster mother also received a written report to guide her in the coming weeks and months. HVS is very proud of the level of expertise we were able to bring to this earnest and proactive caregiver and this struggling child. And the good news is that, after two weeks of following the recommendations, the foster mother tells us that the baby is doing much better.