Dr. Martin Luther King Holiday in Hawaii and the celebration has grown dramatically through the years; however, with the current pandemic, we continue to celebrate the holiday virtually once again this year.
Our committee members are organized to:
promote the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday as a day of national and community service and one to reflect upon the principles of interracial cooperation and equality, social change through the nonviolent resolution of conflict, dedication to global peace, social justice, economic security, and the eradication of poverty as espoused by Dr. King;
involve business, government, labor, religious, ethnic, educational, community service groups, and all segments of the civilian and military population in the planning and execution of activities; and
to promote all three elements of the Martin Luther King, Jr., holiday, remember, celebrate and act, as an integral part of every observance program and activity.
Please donate to our project (see below). Mahalo for your support!