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Family Support Hawaii, FSH, offers programs for youth between the ages of 11 and 21 whereby youth are provided support to meet their personal and social needs, to be physically and emotionally safe, to feel a sense of belonging, to have self worth, and to build the knowledge and skills that provide the framework for a path forward in preparation for a healthy enriched adulthood.

FSH youth programs include services to homeless youth and teen pregnancy prevention.

We have a Case Manager for the three programs that serve runaway, at-risk and homeless youth – Street Outreach provides services to youth ages 12 – 21 to assist those who have run-away, are homeless or at risk of being homeless and in need of referrals to other services; Transitional Living  provides supportive training and services to youth ages 16 – 21 for the development and strengthening of independent living skills such as finding employment, budgeting, housing, and nutritional guidance; and the Basic Center program which can assist youth up to the age of 18 to apply for their identification cards or birth certificates so they can apply for employment, housing, Medicaid, food stamps and other services. This program also assists with clothing, food, medical care and other services.

The outreach worker has assisted many youth in applying for services and even guided a youth to apply for and acquire full time employment. This particular youth, was homeless, on the streets, did not have identification, clothing or regular meals. This youth now is employed, has clothing, identification, employment and will soon be eligible for low income housing. FSH Youth Development programs make a difference in people’s lives.

FSH offers programs to engage youth, in grades 6 – 8, to promote positive outcomes by providing opportunities, fostering positive relationships, and giving the support needed to build on the youths’ strengths as well as preventing risky behaviors.

The Teen Pregnancy Prevention program is to empower youth ages 11 – 15 to reduce the risk of HIV, other sexually transmitted infections and decrease the risk of unplanned pregnancies.

All Youth Development programs promote positive outcomes by providing learning opportunities, fostering positive relationships, and giving support to the youth to build their strengths as well as prevent risky behaviors.

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